Keratoconus In Teens and Kids

Keratoconus in kids or teens? What to do? Hearing the words that your child has keratoconus can be daunting. What does it mean? Will this affect his future? Keratoconus is a progressive corneal thinning condition, making the outer transparent part of the eye look like a cone. The instability of the corneal structure in susceptible patients may […]

Anxiety and Depression are linked with Dry Eyes

What is the relationship between Mental Health and Dry Eyes? The COVID-19 pandemic has resurfaced hidden anxiety and depression. As the days come and the number of cases rises, we wonder when will this end? When will we flatten the curve, when can we go back to our old lives? Losing jobs, separation from family […]

Do not hide behind dry eyes

Dry eye condition affects many individuals, whether children or adults.   According to the American Optometric Association, 38% of adults suffer from dry eyes, while a Korean Study found 6.6% of children have the said condition. What causes dry eyes? Well we can avoid some of these activities such as prolonged gadget use (computer, mobile phones, […]

孩子近视度数太高怎样控制? 菲律賓眼科診所配角膜矯視眼鏡片來矯正近視

菲律賓 GOLD HEART OPTICAL CENTRE 眼科診所配角膜矯視眼鏡片來矯正近視方式其中之一 近视是因为眼球过长,导致远距离的景物模糊,而近距离的景物清楚。 我们为何要控制近视呢?为什么不等成年时去作雷射矫视手术?这是因为一般近视眼度数如果一年比一年升高。 深近视患者患上白内障, 青光眼 和视网膜脱落的风险机率比较高。 近视度数 白内障 青光眼 视网膜脱落 -1.00 至 -3.00 2倍 4倍 4倍 -3.00至 -6.00 3倍 4倍 10倍 超过-6.00 5倍 4倍 16倍 在菲律宾, 我们已经开应始用不同的方法控制近视。 Gold Heart Optical Centre 的专业眼科医生会为你的孩子评估哪一种矫正近視方式会最为适合。 矫正方式有: 1. 渐进镜片 (progressive lens)2. 特殊设计的镜片 (myopia control lens)3. 多交点软性隐形眼镜 (dual focus lens)4. 角膜矫视眼镜片 (Orthokeratology) 这是一个全新的不需手术的视力矫正方式, 可免除视力不良患者在白天配戴眼镜或隐形镜片。 通过睡眠时配戴特制的矫正性隐形镜片, […]

Nearsightedness: Control and Prevention

There is a myopia (nearsightedness) epidemic happening in so many countries all over the world. Patients we see with myopia in the clinic are becoming younger and younger. Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong have seen the most childhood myopia in their statistics, and Philippines has been following their footsteps. Clinical trials are being done by top […]