Keratoconus: What you always want to know

An keratoconus eye fitted with gas permeable lens

  Keratoconus is a condition where the cornea becomes thinner and becomes cone-shaped.  This corneal protrusion causes blurry vision as the cornea becomes irregular in shape. The progression is usually in the first three decades of life.   Where does keratoconus come from? Most of the patients with keratoconus have history of eye rubbing. There are […]

Contact Lens for Keratoconus: Soft Custom Lens vs RGP vs Scleral Lenses

So we know that the corneas of keratoconus become thinner and irregular in shape. The cornea becomes steeper or more curved. How does this relate to vision? When light hits the irregularly thin cornea, light scatters and does not focus correctly on the retina. Irregular astigmatism and nearsightedness make vision blurry. People with keratoconus often cannot see distant things […]